ICP Raps

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Taking Climbing To The Next Level

The next step in the evolution of climbing volumes is here. ICP Rap will change how route setters think and how climbing walls are designed in the future. These volumes ‘wrap’ around edges, creating extended climbing surfaces and unleashing many new and exciting route setting opportunities.

Think Outside The Box

Get to know the ICP Raps system! Our team of experienced route setters and engineers meticulously design ICP climbing walls and volumes to work in perfect synergy with each other, allowing you to think outside the box and push the boundaries of your walls and your route setting.

Rap Set 1 – Adam

Set1 Rhombus Updated
Set1 Rhombus Updated

Rap Set 2 – Alice

Set1 Rhombus Updated
Set1 Rhombus Updated

Rap Set 3 – Ben

Set1 Rhombus Updated
Set1 Rhombus Updated

Game Changer: How Raps Work

ICP Raps™️ and ICP Walls are made in symmetry with each other, where all angles are carefully measured and work together. When Raps are placed on a climbing wall beside an angle change, the result is an extension of the flat surface, that allows holds to be bolted firmly across the wall and the volume.

Rap it

Stack it

Place it

Inspired. Refined. Created

After years of collaboration between the ICP Research and Development team, Route Setters, Designers, Engineers and ICP Founder Rob Parer we now have climbing volumes that are poised to drastically shake up the indoor climbing & route setting landscape.

Very Stackable

ICP Raps™️ volumes work together with wall angles and each other. Wraps volumes not only extend the plane but can also stack across walls and volumes creating all kinds or new weird and wonderful climbing aretes. The volumes are designed to stack perfectly within their sets and work like normal volumes on non ICP Walls.

Our Quality Speaks Volumes

We source the highest grade timber from only the European nordic countries where the highest grade 18mm thick Burch plywood is produced. Each screw hole is carefully fitted with a sleek silver washer so your volumes will be stronger for longer.

We now use an incredible hybrid blend of crystallised minerals to help make our insane texture comfortable and durable. Our R&D team are constantly working on textures that increase surface tension while reducing shoe scuff marks.

Working With The Environment

ICP duty of care ensures to engage only with suppliers that protect human rights through our ethical principles. We are also working to remove all single use materials from our supply chain and aiming to become carbon positive.